Guides for Visitors & Travelers in Taiwan

Time Zone: UTC+8 (13 hours ahead of New York)

Currency: New Taiwan Dollar (NT$ or TWD)

Languages: Mandarin, Taiwanese, Hakka, and Formosan languages

Power Sockets: type A and B

Best Month to Visit: February–April

Capital City: Taipei City

International Dialing Code: +886

Important Phone Numbers

Traffic Direction: right side of the road

For Tourists Visiting Taiwan

Visiting Taiwan? Find everything you'll need to know before booking a flight.

Guides for Expats in Taiwan

Moving to Taiwan? Prepare yourself.

Taiwan Culture Guides

From funeral pole dancers to some of the world's finest foods, Taiwan has a lot. Learn more about their culture.

Taiwanese Night Markets

Night markets are a core part of Taiwanese culture. Learn about the best ones throughout the country.

Taiwan Delicacies to Bring Home

tw food souvenirs

Check out our list of the best Taiwanese delicacies and food souvenirs to bring home to your friends and loved ones.